Family Portraits of other sports...
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Hello, friends!
The nba portraits thing turned out pretty big across the internet. I was thinking of turning my attention to other sports now though.
I did a few tennis ones back in the day :D
Such as this one of the Davenports
Also did a few NBA Calendar Girl pics back in the day too
Ha Seung Jin:
And some other random pics I made for peoples' requests as well
Gollum Barkley:
Mehmet Okur gardening:
Can't remember why I made the Okur gardening one. I think it was to taunt someone when my fantasy team was dominating his :P
Oh yeah, I just played NBA Live on xbox 360 and it rocks!
The graphics are crazy, the gameplay is a little bit crappy but it looks super sexy..
One thing that annoys me though is the free throw shooting. Why can't you run in and go for the rebound as soon as it leaves the players hand? it makes you wait until it's hit the ring.